Hello everyone

I am Annino De Petra and I am a Spotify Software Engineer based in London, UK.

About me

I’m a lively and energetic person who loves science in all of its shapes. The power of curiosity and hunger for knowledge is what is pushing me on learning and studying new things every day.
I love arts, travelling around the world, discover new places along with their history and traditions. I hate being lazy. In fact, if you find me spleeping at home, be sure I fell sick.
During my spare time I practice power-lifting, calisthenics and I play guitar.
According to what my gf says, I am also a good chef.

My life

Since I was child, I have shown an interest towards everything was related to the science. I started writing shell scripts and C/C++ softwares for accomplishing small tasks like solving quadratic equations or automating daily processes on my machine.
Being a son of a science enthusiast helped me throughtout my youth on improving my knowledge.

After my secondary school diploma I moved to the stunning city of Siena and in 2016 I achieved the Computer Science and Information Engineer degree which is a particular branch of the Computer Science with a particular focus on Electronics, Robotics, Telecommunications and Informatic Engineering.
For 3 years in a row I received a merit scholarship and while studying I worked as Fullstack Web Engineer.
As final project of my thesis in CS, I developed an Objective-C app to support the preservation of intangible heritage with the usage of Beacon devices and smartphones to reproduce and preserve sound archives.

Always In 2016 I was selected as one of the first 100 students of the first Apple Academy in Europe.
Over the year I worked and developed apps in both Swift and Objective-C, employed the backends behind our apps using PHP, Node.js.
Also, I submitted a Swift playground for the Apple WWDC whose purpose was to teach through physical animations and simple explanations the physical phenomena that surround us daily.

In 2017 I moved to London where I started my career as iOS Engineer at ASOS.
Since then I have been fully immersed in developing one of the best iOS apps you can find on The App Store.
So many things have been released and developed since I joined like the development and integration of many new payment methods, the creation of dynamically driven UI components, the introduction of new and stronger strategies for reducing test flakiness, the development of automation scripts on our CI in Ruby to improve and automate the release process, the integration of Slack and GitHub to report UI/Unit test results, how to master error/data tracking platforms like New Relic and Firebase Crashlitycs and how to convert, build and run apps and frameworks on the new ARM based Apple Silicon CPU.

In 2019, during a public speech, I was honored to be mentioned by Luca Maestri, Apple CFO as a proud example of former Apple Academy student who is making huge progress in his career.
In the same year I flew to San Francisco to attend the 2019 WWDC.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to check out my GitHub, and you can find me on LinkedIn as well.